👨‍💻 Wesley Moore


How Much Is a Browser Worth?

Apparently people are excited about funding independent browser efforts this week. I have little interest in funding yet another browser built in C++ in 2024 but Servo is still alive. Since Mozilla refuse to let us directly fund Firefox I shall set up a recurring donation to Servo.

The next question is how much is a web browser worth to me? Based on minutes spent using a browser, quite a lot!

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Tech Stack 2024

Inspired by Alex Chan’s Tools of the trade post I thought I’d note down my current tech stack and then revisit it in a few years to see how things evolve. As per Alex’s post I’ll break it down into three sections: software, (development) tech stack, and hardware.

A photo of my desk. There's two displays, the one on the right is rotated into a portait orientation, the left on is on a wooden monitor stand. In front of the monitors are: a PS4 controller, TI-89, tenkeyless mechanical keyboard, mouse, and Kobo e-Reader.
My desk. The computer is behind the displays.
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Exporting YouTube Subscriptions to OPML and Watching via RSS

This post describes how I exported my 500+ YouTube subscriptions to an OPML file so that I could import them into my RSS reader. I go into fine detail about the scripts and tools I used. If you just want to see the end result the code is in this repository, which describes the steps needed to run it.

I was previously a YouTube Premium subscriber but I cancelled it when they jacked up the already high prices. Since then I’ve been watching videos in NewPipe on my Android tablet or via an Invidious instance on real computers.

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7bit Projects: Dew Point Forecast, MacBinary, RSS Please, Titlecase

Today I compiled my titlecase Rust crate to Web Assembly and wrapped a web-page around it so that it can be used online. It’s published on my “projects domain”, 7bit.org. After I published it I realised I hadn’t written about the other projects that are on 7bit.org. They are Dew Point Forecast, MacBinary, RSS Please, and Titlecase.

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Testing a $4 Micro SD Card From AliExpress

I needed three low capacity micro SD cards for an upcoming project. There’s plenty of these available on AliExpress but its very difficult to know if you if the actual capacity will match the packaging. I did some research and came across this interesting video that tested 16 different cards. Their recommendation was the Lexar ones. So I found some 32Gb ones for AU$4.13 and placed an order[1].

Photo of the micro SD card in its packaging.
The card being tested.

As per the video’s suggestion I tested one with an open-source tool called F3 (Fight Flash Fraud) when they arrived. F3 verifies the capacity against what the drive advertises and verifies that that amount of data can be written and read back without error.

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