👨‍💻 Wesley Moore


Creating a Podcast From a Mastodon Account With XSLT

I recently discovered the ATPrewind account on Mastodon. It’s an account sharing “gems discovered while re-listening to @atpfm from the very first episode. By @joshua”. ATP is a tech Podcast that’s been running for about 10 years. Each post (so far) from ATPrewind includes a short clip from the show in the form of a little video.

This post describes how I was nerd sniped into creating a podcast from the ATPrewind posts.

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Trying to Run Rust on Classic Mac OS

I recently acquired a Power Macintosh 9500/150 and after cleaning it up and building a BlueSCSI to replace the failed hard drive it’s now in a semi-operational state. This weekend I thought I’d see if I could build a Mac app for it that called some Rust code. This post details my trials and tribulations.

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Debugging a Docker Core Dump

On my main machine I use an excellent cross-platform tool called Docuum that automatically cleans up unused docker images. This allows me to use Docker without the need to periodically wonder why I’m out of disk space, run docker system prune and recover half my disk.

I installed Docuum via the AUR package (although tweaked to build the latest Docuum release) and ran it via the bundled systemd service definition. This worked great for a while but some time back it started failing. Every time Docuum would try to check for things to clean up I’d see the following in the system journal:

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Hide Sign in With Google Pop Up

Inspired by Rach Smith’s post on using userstyles to hide YouTube shorts I came up with some CSS to hide those annoying Sign in with Google pop-ups.

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divmod, Rust, x86, and Optimisation

While reviewing some Rust code that did something like this:

let a = n / d;
let b = n % d;

I lamented the lack of a divmod method in Rust (that would return both the quotient and remainder). My colleague Brendan pointed out that he actually added it back in 2013 but it was moved out of the standard library before the 1.0 release.

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